How does 4K medical imaging technology help during medical surgeries?
Whenever the term “medical imaging” is discussed, the first image that crosses the mind is X-ray, commonly known as radiography.
X-rays are among the oldest and most frequently used medical imaging method for diagnosing different diseases. However, several innovations and advancements are taking place in the medical imaging sector, allowing the healthcare sector to provide more safety to patients during surgeries.
To understand the advancements in the medical imaging sector, let’s discuss the medical imaging devices and their current market scenarios in-depth.
Medical Imaging — A Device to Scan Human Body
The medical imaging process refers to using different technologies such as X-rays to scan the human body for treating, monitoring, and diagnosing medical conditions.
Each technology used in the medical imaging process provides different information about the human organ being checked or scanned.
This technology also allows healthcare experts to understand the possible injuries, diseases, and the treatment’s efficacy.
How have medical imaging devices advanced over the years?
Medical imaging devices have progressed by leaps and bounds over the last few years.
The advancements have not been just limited to the imaging devices, but there have been constant advancements in the post-processing and camera qualities of the medical imaging devices.
4K technology has started entering the advanced operating room to help experts in different ways. For instance, it helps get detailed images of the organs infected by the diseases.
The healthcare industry defines the term 4K imaging devices as a visualization and imaging technology that delivers four times higher resolution than the current devices.
Currently, there is a high emphasis on adopting 4K medical imaging devices to gain meaningful information and insights from the detailed images of organs being treated.
Installing a 4K monitor inside the operating room will allow healthcare professionals to get multiple detailed images of infected organs through surgical cameras.
Also, the high-quality monitor display can help surgeons provide a better overview of the operating room activities and get clearer images.
Industry Overview of the Global 4K Medical Imaging Market
Images of the organs captured using 4K cameras provide better insights about diseases and offer surgeons more precise images of organs during the minimally invasive or open surgery procedures.
Currently, the global 4K imaging devices are witnessing a significant change in the present market landscape of the healthcare sector.
Growth Factors of the 4K Medical Imaging Market
Several factors are responsible for boosting the growth of the 4K medical imaging market. Some of these factors are described as follows:
- Increasing investment for the development of better healthcare infrastructures
- Rising evidence for promising and efficient results in diagnosis and treatment assistance
- Entry of several key players to develop advanced visualization and imaging system for the healthcare space
The above-mentioned factors are constantly leading to a rise in the sales of 4K imaging systems worldwide.
According to the BIS Research report, the global 4K medical imaging market is supposed to grow from $822.1 million in 2019 to $2,399.9 million by 2030, with a growth rate of 12.2% during the period 2020–2030.
Why does the healthcare sector need 4K medical imaging technology?
In the last few years, the use of 4K technologies such as monitors and cameras in the healthcare sector has become much more common due to their resolution capacity.
Following are some ways in which 4K medical imaging technologies help surgeons in the operating room:
- Better ‘Pixels’ Quality
Using a full high-definition monitor during surgery will help doctors get a clear image of the organ infected by the disease due to better pixels quality.
Let’s understand this with an example.
If a person is looking at a standard-size high definition (HD) monitor, he/she would be comfortable only seeing the pixels of the images from a distance.
However, viewing a monitor having a 4K display of similar size even from a closer view would provide the same quality as from a distance.
Getting a detailed image after zooming in on HD monitors would only be possible from a distance. Otherwise, it would result in blurry and distracting images because of the pixel sizes.
Using such HD monitors in the medical operating room to obtain a zoom and clear view of the human organs would be challenging. Thus, 4K monitors can be a better solution to resolve this issue.
It allows surgeons to get a detailed view of the diseases inside the human body and help use the medical tools without harming patients.
Furthermore, due to the reduced pixel size, experts would no longer see individual pixels even while checking the monitor from a much closer range.
It signifies that 4K medical imaging devices can be viewed from any distance without facing pixel problems compared to the HD monitors that can be comfortably viewed only from a distance.
- Increased Depth Perception and Visibility
Minimally invasive surgery has become the most preferred method for several operations, as it is less painful than open surgery methods.
However, a significant challenge is associated with the minimally invasive surgery that acts as an obstacle between the surgeon and the patient body, and that is visibility.
Surgeons are primarily dependable on monitors and cameras, which reduces the depth perception and clarity of images (color, brightness, and resolution).
However, using 4K medical imaging technologies can be a great way to reduce the visibility problems and provide better and clear imaging with high pixel density.
The advanced 4K devices can help enhance depth perception and allow experts to see the area being treated much clearer.
Medical imaging technologies have been a significant development in the healthcare sector, allowing experts to study diseases more effectively.
However, with the adoption of 4K medical imaging technologies, the experts would get detailed information and a better idea about the diagnosis of the disease. These 4K devices can provide high-quality images and, at the same time, allow experts to have more clear images compared to conventional methods.
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